
Our story

How it all

whatever you’re reading.  

whatever you’re reading.  

Frank and Lucie may not be in their twenties anymore, but in their minds they are still young and venturous.



Character acquired
through time

If you like nice shoes, good books, a fantastic lunch with friends, why wear cheap readers? This what Lucie thought and she asked her husband Frank to design some really nice ready readers for her. He designed them, and made some for himself too. In the best acetate, with a state of the art bluelight filtered lens. He choose some pretty colours, never too trendy, always sophisticated; with a touch of elegance. The brand was born. He calls them The Essentials.

Frank and Lucie



Frank and Lucie


but never dull

Frank used to design frames, but resigned. Then when Lucie asked him to develop some real nice ready readers for her and her friends, he started to draw again. He heard Lucie say ‘There are so many ugly readers, come on, you know how to do it’! Frank always listens to his wife and when creating, he made some really interesting pairs for himself too. A little vintage, with a modern flavour.

Frank and Lucie

Lucie came up with the name for each pair of glasses individually. They had to be funny and appropriate.


Frank and Lucie
Frank and Lucie
Frank and Lucie

Frank and lucie
how it started

Frank loves beautiful materials, so he made a choice for acetate fabric, an originally natural tissue made of cotton. Acetate fits well, is strong and the delicacy of the material and the patterns are incredible. Of course its a reading tool, so the lenses needed to be perfect, even a ready made product deserves the best intentions. The bluelight filter is one of the best in the industry. So good old acetate goes very well with the lenstechnology of today. Very Essential.

The look and feel is vintage in a modern way. A little architectural sometimes. There are more than 12 models in many laid-back luxurious colors. Like alltime favorites as havanna, black and greyvanna. But also very lighthearted ones as Ballet, Soybean and Hazy Harbor.

Frank and Lucie
Frank and Lucie

All ready readers have bluelight filter lenses. They keep your eyes fresh and your head cool. Since we were more at home lately, working and playing, we stare at our screens for hours. The blue light that comes from screens, make our eyes red and tired, gives us headaches and even make we can not sleep well. With a Frank and Lucie you look stylish, but they are also good for your eyes.

There is always a funpart in the collections. The names make sense but make you laugh too. The big round model for instance is called the Eyeglobe, the square one Eyewitness, and the Eyebrow does where it stand for. A special place in the heart of Frank have the Eyespies, lookovers in simple but useful designs.

Frank and Lucie


When Frank
met lucie

They were both born in the same year in the UK and were able to read when they were five years old. Thats why Frank and Lucie call their brand ’reading since 1965’.

Frank and Lucie


When Frank
met lucie

Frank graduated from the Design Academy and met Lucie. They fell in love and started living in Rome for a while. He teached art there.

Frank and Lucie


When Frank
met lucie

Frank and Lucie return to London. Frank works as an independent designer, and created a lot of well known products, among which interesting framebrands. Lucie works in the Victor and Albert Museum as a curator. She takes care of their children too.

Frank and Lucie


When Frank
met lucie

Frank retires and they move to a small town close to the sea. Here they live a happy, rich life. They love to go to musea, have long walks along the beach, have dinner with friends. The City is always close by.

Frank and Lucie


When Frank
met lucie

Lucie asks Frank to design ready readers for her and her friends. The rest is history.

Frank and Lucie
Frank and Lucie